
Teleport to npc skyrim
Teleport to npc skyrim

Remember to check the Item Codes list for the Add Item cheat. Many of the cheats which worked in Oblivion and Fallout 3 will work in Skyrim as well. If you're unsure, don't save your game after using the command & DISABLE the autosaving features, or simply be sure to delete the affected saves when you're finished experimenting. Adding items (except quest items) is almost always safe, as are commands that display information (debug text, attribute values). Some cheats can cause bugs later on, or cause situations which may "break" certain quests. Achievements are disabled when you enter cheats. Note: certain cheats you can enter a second time to toggle off the effect. Hit Tilde(~) to bring up the developer console, and enter these codes for the desired effect. Walk out of the house then walk back in, and the armor should still be on the mannequin and you should also have a set in your inventory! Before exiting the menu, take all of the armor that you just put on off. Then you simply place what armor you want onto the mannequin. To get your own mannequins, buy the house in Solitude (25,000 gold) and furnish it enough until your mannequins appear. This is a little glitch in the game which allows you to duplicated your pieces of armor with the use of mannequins. Buying these spell books was worth the gold for sure. The result was Sneak, One-Handed, Restoration, and Conjuration, all leveled just as fast as when I did it without on my warrior-type. I used Bound Sword while Sneaking and using Healing Hands to heal the Jarl after each hit.

teleport to npc skyrim

Helpful Suggestion: Using Healing Hands as well can speed up reset and level Restoration at the same time.

Teleport to npc skyrim